Black leather steering wheel with radio controls - CITROËN XM
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Black leather steering wheel with radio controls - CITROËN XM

Good Original (OEM) vintage part


Black leather steering wheel with radio controls and fixing nut. For phase 1.
See the description in its original language (French) : Volant cuir noir avec commandes radio et écrou de fixation. Pour phase 1.
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Fitment/Compatibility with

(1989 - 2000)

Part : Steering wheel & accessories for CITROËN XM

Professional seller - Hauts-de-France - France Drapeau fr

Package weight : 6 Kg
Shipping option :
Hand-delivery and shipment
Shipping costs to be added according to the delivery method proposed by the seller.

Price incl. VAT :
171,00 €(excluding shipping costs)
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Classic Parts Finder's review

This type of two-spoke steering wheel appeared in 1992. It marked a major break with Citroën conventions, and the famous single-spoke steering wheel adopted in 1955 with the DS, and used throughout the Citroën range until the early 90s. The latter had the merit of no longer confusing 'non-Citroënists' too much, and the XM phase 2s would abandon the single-spoke versions altogether, due to the 'airbag' requirement. Personally, I don't consider this design to be a success, but that's a matter of taste. It does have the merit of grouping the radio controls together, and of having a beautiful leather surround.

See in its original language (French) : Ce type de volant à deux branches est apparu en 1992. Il marque une 'rupture' importante avec les conventions 'Citroën', et le fameux volant mono-branche adopté en 1955 avec la DS, et appliqué sur toute la gamme Citroën jusqu'au début des années 90. Ce dernier a le mérite de ne plus trop dérouter les 'non-citroënistes', et les XM phase 2 abandonneront d'ailleurs complètement les versions mono-branches, 'airbag' oblige. A titre personnel, ce dessin ne me parait pas une réussite, mais certes, ceci est une affaire de goût. Il a le mérite de regrouper les commandes de radio, et d'avoir un beau pourtour en cuir.
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Looking for a Steering wheel & accessories for CITROËN XM?

The Classic Parts Finder community offers you a selection of spare parts for your CITROËN XM, and in particular the following part: Steering wheel & accessories in the following condition: good.

Black leather steering wheel with radio controls is one original (oem) vintage part.